a hub of activity and exploration

unlocking interests and potential

From holiday festivities to exciting campus guests and field trips, St. Mary's hosts several events and activities throughout the year. Students are engaged in fun and immersive ways and are exposed to learning experiences outside the classroom that lay the foundation for their future aspirations. These extracurricular opportunities enrich our students' educational journey and provide the opportunity for them to:

  • Explore their interests
  • Develop new skills
  • Deepen their understanding of teamwork and leadership
  • Form lasting friendships

Our diverse range of clubs and activities is designed to cater to every child's passions and are available at all grade levels. These include competitive and intramural sports, art club, yoga, soccer shots, book clubs, coding, fitness, crafting, photography, and more, varying by semester or athletic season. 

A student playing tennis.
Students playing the trombone, trumpet, and tuba.
A group of cheerleaders
A student playing softball.
Students playing string instruments outside.
The cross country team.
Three students playing volleyball.
The St. Mary's Drumline.

community council

Community Council is a group of middle school student leaders who exhibit integrity, honor, and kindness on a daily basis. They are compassionate and ethical, two important qualities of our Qualities of a Saint, and they abide by the St. Mary’s Universals. Community Council members develop critical thinking and communication skills as they collaborate, solve problems, and influence peers in a positive way. These students are instrumental in promoting a positive middle school culture by designing initiatives, brainstorming problems, and possibly even mediating peer conflicts (with training).

Students from Community Council standing outside in two rows smiling.

student council

The Student Council is comprised of middle school students elected by their peers to plan activities and events for the school. Some of the big events include Spirit Week, annual food drives, awareness days, and middle school dances.

Students from Student Council standing outside in two rows smiling.

Special Grade Level Activities

Beginning in fifth grade, St. Mary's students enjoy a series of overnight trips designed to enhance cooperative effort and promote trust and team building. These trips bring the participants closer together as a class and have become highly anticipated by all the students.

5th Grade Cedarkirk trip
5th Grade Cedarkirk
6th Grade Trip Group Photo.
6th Grade Day Springs
7th Grade Students sitting around a fire.
7th Grade Keys Trip
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip group photo.
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip

Sports at St. Mary's Episcopal Day School

Having varsity and junior varsity levels in most team sports allows maximum participation for students. The current no-cut policy (in all sports except tennis) places athletes on the team where they can be the most successful. St. Mary's encourages students' participation in organized competitive sports and currently has 95-100% of middle school students involved. Coaches all come from within our school community and most teams play in the Florida West Coast League made up of 12 other private schools. St. Mary's has an outstanding history of league and tournament championship teams. In addition, St. Mary's has been the proud recipient of the league sportsmanship award more than 15 times since its inception in 2001.

A male student throwing a baseball.




Cross Country


Track and Field




Three female students playing volleyball.




Cross Country


Track and Field

